Plumstead Township runs four (4) public water systems which service more than 2,600 customers. Systems are referenced by the housing developments they serve. They systems include:
Update your Household information with us
Please update the Township with your household information. We need this information for Emergency and non-Emergency purposes (water flushing / maintenance).
Please take a minute to provide us with your updated information. Click HERE to update.
Contact us: Emergency - Dial 911
Customer Service Billing, Repairs and Maintenance:
Call 215-766-0189
For service disruption after business hours: 215-766-0189*
* Please identify yourself as a Plumstead Township Water customer. On-call Public Works personnel will be contacted.
Plumstead Township water fees are established by resolution. In the event of typographical or other errors on this webpage, the originally-passed resolution will govern. Copies of the water fee resolution may be obtained at the Township offices.