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This page contains Ordinances & Resolutions for the past two years.
In the event of a conflict between the electronic version of the Ordinance and the printed, the official printed version shall govern. Copies of the Ordinances are also available for viewing in the township building.
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Ordinance 2021-01: Verizon Franchise Agreement
Ordinance 2021-02: Amending Chapter 1
Ordinance 2021-03: Wireless Facilities
Ordinance 2021-04: Amending SALDO, Section 22-304
Ordinance 2021-05: Amending Chp 18 - Sewer & Sewage Disposal
Ordinance 2021-06: Amending Chp 26 - Cross Keys Water Service District
Ordinance 2021-07: Alternate Energy Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Ordinance 2021-08: Four Way Traffic Stop Ordinance
Resolution 2025-01: Establishing Employee Benefits, Holidays Schedule & Staff
Resolution 2025-02: Acknowledgement of Professionals, check signers, committees & depositories
Resolution 2025-03: Police Pension Contributions
Resolution 2025-04: Readopting Identity Theft Prevention Program
Resolution 2025-05: Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-01: Establishing Employee Benefits, Holidays Schedule & Staff
Resolution 2024-02: Acknowledgement of Professionals, check signers, committees & depositories
Resolution 2024-03: Police Pension Contributions
Resolution 2024-04: Readopting Identity Theft Prevention Program
Resolution 2024-05: Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-06: Disposal of Records
Resolution 2024-07: Adopting the AG Security Area Proposal Addition & Modification (Twin Silo Rd)
Resolution 2024-08: Est. Rule & Regulations for Public Meetings (Rescinging Res 2004-03)
Resolution 2024-09: Inclusion of Moment of Silance and Pledge at All Public Meetings
Resolution 2024-10: Fee Schedule update
Resolution 2024-11: Day of Honor of Clifford VanArtsdalen
Resolution 2024-12: Non-Uniform Employee Benefits
Resolution 2024-13: Setting Rules for Compliance with the PA RTKL
Resolution 2024-14: Planning Module Approval 5673 & 5687 Meetinghouse Road
Resolution 2024-15: Acknowledgement of employee wages (Replacing2024-01)
Resolution 2024-16: Dedication of Tollgate Rd for David Wayne Comber
Resolution 2024-17: Est 9-14-24 as Day of Honor for Leonard Frank Skoniecki Jr.
Resolution 2024-18: Adoption of Revised Emergency Operation Plan
Resolution 2024-19: Authorizing Mgr & BOS Chairman to sign On-lot Sewage O&M Agreements
Resolution 2024-20: Authorizing BOS to acquire the Plumsteadville Cemetery by Deed
Resolution 2024-21: Day of Honor for David Wayne Comber
Resolution 2024-22: Opposing Statewide Zoning Manadates
Resolution 2024-23: Honoring Township Solicitor Jonathan Ress
Resolution 2024-24: Establishing November 9, 2024 as Veterans Appreciation Day
Resolution 2024-25: Endorsing the Nomination of Sgt. Thomas Rutecki for the American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
Resolution 2024-26: Endorsing the Nomination of Sgt. Thomas Rutecki for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
Resolution 2024-27: Intergovernmental Agreement with Hough Assoc regarding recycling
Resolution 2024-28: Police request statewide local share assessment grant for Motorola Portable Radios
Resolution 2024-29: 2025 Budget Adoption
Resolution 2024-30: 2025 Real Estate Taxes
Resolution 2024-31: 2025 Real Estate Tax Millage
Resolution 2024-32: PA Sewage Facilities Act
Resolution 2023-01: Establishing Employee Benefits, Holidays Schedule & Staff
Resolution 2023-02: Acknowledgement of Professionals, check signers, committees & depositories
Resolution 2023-03: Police Pension Contributions
Resolution 2023-04: Readopting Identity Theft Prevention Program
Resolution 2023-05: Fee Schedule
Resolution 2023-06: Authorizing Exection of ARLE Grant Extension Agreement
Resolution 2023-07: Establishing a policy for the BOS Committee Liaisons
Resolution 2023-08: Disposal of Tenant Registration Records for the year 2019
Resolution 2023-09: Dedication of Township Bridge to Edward Berger Keller
Resolution 2023-10: Dedication of Township Bridge to Albert LeRoy Angeny
Resolution 2023-11: Sewage Facilities Planning Module for 5506 Silo Hill Rd
Resolution 2023-12: Renewal & Extension of the Townships Agricultural Security Area
Resolution 2023-13: Joining Bucks County Municipal Consortium
Resolution 2023-14: Fee Schedule updating Fire Inspection Fees
Resolution 2023-15: Honoring Albert LeRoy Angeny
Resolution 2023-16: Amendemnt to the Sterling Act Resolution
Resolution 2023-17: Fee Schedule update (RTK Fees)
Resolution 2023-18: Planning Module Approval for 5710 Meetinghouse Road
Resolution 2023-19: Day of Honor - Edward Keller
Resolution 2023-20: Recognition of Susan Suber
Resolution 2023-21: Day of Honor for Frank Hilte
Resolution 2023-22: 2024 Police MMO
Resolution 2023-23: 2024 Non-Uniform MMO
Resolution 2023-24: Fee Schedule update (Water Meter Cost)
Resolution 2023-25: Amending the Veterans Committee
Resolution 2023-26: Disposal of Records
Resolution 2023-27: Disposal of Records
Resolution 2023-28: American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Nomination
Resolution 2023-29: VFW Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Nomination
Resolution 2023-30: Veterans Appreciation Day
Resolution 2023-31: Application to PECO Green Region Grant
Resolution 2023-32: Appreciation to Peter Busillo for his years of service as Supervisor
Resolution 2023-33: Endorcement of Angela Benner for PSATS President's Leadership Award
Resolution 2023-34: Real Estate Tax Millage freeze for qualifying properties
Resolution 2023-35: Final Budget Adoption
Resolution 2023-36: Real Estate Taxes
Resolution 2022-01: Establishing Employee Benefits, Holidays Schedule & Staff
Resolution 2022-02: Acknowledgement of Professionals, check signers, committees & depositories
Resolution 2022-03: Police Pension Contributions
Resolution 2022-04: Readopting Identity Theft Prevention Program
Resolution 2022-05: Fee Schedule
Resolution 2022-06: Liquor License Transfer Request - PJW Doylestown LLC
Resolution 2022-07: DCED MTF Signers
Resolution 2022-08: Appointment to Park & Rec Committee
Resolution 2022-09: EDU Allocation Policy Amendment
Resolution 2022-10: Easement Aquisition for a Traffic Signal
Resolution 2022-11: Request a Statewide Local Share Assessment Grant of $345,000
Resolution 2022-12: Committee Appointments
Resolution 2022-13: Disposal of Records
Resolution 2022-14: Committee Appointment
Resolution 2022-15: Owl's Nest Subdivision / Accepting Roadways for Dedication
Resolution 2022-16: Owl's Nest Subdivision / Accepting Openspace for Dedication
Resolution 2022-17: Planning Module for Airgas USA
Resolution 2022-18: Fund Balance Policy
Resolution 2022-19: Plumstead Acquisitions Conservation Policy
Resolution 2022-20: Board Communication Policy
Resolution 2022-21: Advertising & Sponsorship Policy
Resolution 2022-22: RACP Grant for PVFC
Resolution 2022-23: RACP Grant for PVFC
Resolution 2022-24: Tax Collector PA Act 2022-57
Resolution 2022-25: Opposing the sale of BCWSA Sewer System to Aqua
Resolution 2022-26: Authorizing Fire Apparatus Entering Road Warning Sign - 5151 Stump Road
Resolution 2022-27: Authorizing Fire Apparatus Entering Road Warning Sign - 5032 Stump Road
Resolution 2022-28: Amending Resolution #2022-06 (Transfer of Liquor License)
Resolution 2022-29: Opposition of PA Water Quality Accountability Act SB597
Resolution 2022-30: Joining other Municipal Bodies in Opposition to the sale of BCWSA to Aqua
Resolution 2022-31: Joining other Municipal Bodies in Opposition to the sale of BCWSA to Aqua
Resolution 2022-32: Authorization to acquire TMP # 34-003-029 by gift from Jeffrey & Colleen Trauger
Resolution 2022-33: Dedicating Township bridge on Old Easton Rd between Sawmill Rd and Landisville Rd over the Pine Creek to Clifford Dale Vanartsden
Resolution 2022-34: Dedicating Township bridge Burnt House Hill Rdbetween DIllon Rd and Landisville Road over the Pine Creek to Leonard Frank Skoniecki, Jr.
Resolution 2022-35: Dedicating Township bridge on Old Easton Rd near Penn Engineering over North Branch Creek to Frank Elton Hilte
Resolution 2022-36: 2023 Police Pension MMO
Resolution 2022-37: 2023 Non-Uniform Pension MMO
Resolution 2022-38: Declaration of Constitution Week of September 17-23, 2022
Resolution 2022-39: Recommendation of Cpl. Johnson for VFW Officer of the Year
Resolution 2022-40: Recommendation of Cpl. Johnson for American Legion Officer of the Year
Resolution 2022-41: Veterans Appreciation Day
Resolution 2022-42: PECO Green Region Open Space Program
Resolution 2022-43: Ratifying the Established Historic Advisory Ad HOC C0mmittee
Resolution 2022-44: Amending the LPEAC
Resolution 2022-45: Authorization to execute Traffic Signal Agreement for Plumsteadville Pedestrian
Resolution 2022-46: Authorization to execute Traffic Signal Agreement for ALPR at Easton & Silo Hill Roads
Resolution 2022-47: Authorization to execute Traffic Signal Agreement for ALPR at Swamp and Easton Roads
Resolution 2022-48: Authorization to execute Traffic Signal Agreement for ALPR at Swamp Rd and Rt 611 On-Ramp
Resolution 2022-49: Authorization to execute Traffic Signal Agreement for ALPR at Swamp Rd and Rt 611 Off-Ramp
Resolution 2022-50: Final Budget Adoption
Resolution 2022-51: Real Estate Tax
Resolution 2022-52: Indemnification Agreement for Well Permit at 5372 Point Pleasant Pike
Resolution 2022-53: Authorization to submit application to PA Small Water & Sewer Grant
Resolution 2021-01: Establishing Employee Benefits, Holidays Schedule & Staff
Resolution 2021-02: Acknowledgement of Professionals, check signers, committees & depositories
Resolution 2021-03: Police Pension Contributions
Resolution 2021-04: Readopting Identity Theft Prevention Program
Resolution 2021-05: Fee Schedule
Resolution 2021-06: Tax Collector Compensation
Resolution 2021-07: Applebutter/German Road Planning Module
Resolution 2021-08: Wireless Facilities Design Manual
Resolution 2021-09: Amending Fee Schedule
Resolution 2021-10: Amending Veterans Ad HOC Committee
Resolution 2021-11: Benner Subdivision Planning Module
Resolution 2021-12: Committee Appointments (AG Advisory Committee)
Resolution 2021-13: Land Preservation
Resolution 2021-14: MTF Grant Application
Resolution 2021-15: Pedestrian Improvement Grant Temporary Construction Easement
Resolution 2021-16: Re-adoption for Benner Subdivision Planning Module
Resolution 2021-17: Renewal and Extension of Township's Agricultural Security Area
Resolution 2021-18: Amending Veterans Committee
Resolution 2021-19: Committee Appointments (EAC & Veteran's)
Resolution 2021-20: Non-Uniform MMO
Resolution 2021-21: Police MMO
Resolution 2021-22: Budget Amendment
Resolution 2021-23: Veterans Appreciation Day
Resolution 2021-24: Committee updates (EAC and P&R)
Resolution 2021-25: Traffic Signal Easement
Resolution 2021-26: Endorcement of America250PA
Resolution 2021-27: PEMA Designation of Agent
Resolution 2021-28: County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 2021-29: Disposal of Records
Resolution 2021-30: Final Budget Adoption
Resolution 2021-31: 2022 Real Estate Tax Rates
Resolution 2021-32: Establishing Land Preservation Committee
Resolution 2021-33: NJDOT Devil's Tea Table Rockhill Mitigation Project Concerns
Resolution 2021-34: Independent Auditor Appointment
Resolution 2021-35: Bucks County Tax Collection Committee Delegate Appointment
Resolution 2021-36: Intergovernmental Corporation Agreement with Bedminster Twp