5186 Stump Road, Pipersville, Pa 18947 | 215-766-8914
Plumstead Township

Citizen Involvement

Plumstead Township Do you have any interest in serving your community?
The Township is looking for volunteers to serve on various Boards and Commissions.

If you have any expertise or interest in the following areas and would like to serve on a particular Board or Commission, please forward a letter to the Township Manager expressing your interest.

Download our Statement of Interest for Township Boards, Committees & Commissions

The following is a List of Township Boards and Commissions:

  • Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee
    The governing body of any local government may establish an Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee which shall consist of three active farmers, each representing a different private or corporate farm, and one citizen residing within the unit of local government and one member of the governing body of such local government, who shall serve as the chairman of the committee. Such a committee shall be established when a proposal is received by the governing body for the creation of an agricultural security area. Pursuant to this act the members of such committee shall be appointed by and shall serve at the pleasure of the chairman of the governing body. The members shall serve without salary, but the governing body may entitle each such member to reimbursement for his actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his official duties. Such committee shall advise the governing body and work with the planning commission in relation to the proposed establishment, modification, and termination of agricultural security areas. In particular, the committee shall render expert advice relating to the desirability of such action, including advice as to the nature of farming and farm resources within the proposed area and the relation of farming in such area to the local govermnent unit as a whole.

  • Emergency Management Committee
    The Emergency Management Committee was established in 2016. The Board of Supervisors relies on the committee to advise them as to the procedures to be followed in the event of a state of emergency. The committee will also be tasked with advising the Board as to areas where emergency services within the Township may be deficient or in need of improvement.

  • Environmental Advisory Council
    Its purpose is "to advise the Township Board of Supervisors on matters dealing with protection, conservation, management and use of natural resources, including air, land and water resources located within the limits of Plumstead Township, to assist in the ongoing efforts of the Board of Supervisors to preserve open space within the Township, and to help educate residents of Plumstead about the importance of environmental protection."

  • Historic Advisory Committee
    The Plumstead Township Historic Advisory Committee was formed in 2002 to advise the Board of Supervisors on issues that effect historic resources. The committee also gathers historic information about the Township and provides history education to the public.

  • Land Preservation Education and Advisory Committee
    The Committee membership will consist of 7 members who are Plumstead Township residents. One member each maybe appointed from the Planning Commission, Environmental Advisory Council, and the Historical Advisory Committee. The remaining members shall be from the public who have an interest in land preservation. A member of the Board of Supervisors, appointed by the Supervisors, will act as a liaison between the Committee and the Board of Supervisors.

    The Committee may call on others, who would be in a non-voting capacity. These advisors would assist the Committee as needed. These would be likely experts and would not have a resident requirement. However, no advisor shall be called upon unless the Board of Supervisors has approved the advisor's fee.

  • Park & Recreation Committee
    The Park & Recreation Committee assist the Township staff at parks & recreation programs and/or events as needed, procuring sponsorship for Township events, recommend to the Board of Supervisors the introduction of new parks and recreation programming they believe would be desirable for the residents, future facility development, recommendations on maintenance needs of the parks, playing fields or playground facilities, and assist the Township staff with grant applications relating to parks & recreation facilities.

  • Planning Commission
    The Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the Board for all proposed subdivisions and land developments, land use regulations and extensions of public water and sewer service areas.

    The Commission also studies and makes recommendations on the road network, stormwater management, public sewer and water infrastructure planning, signage and performance standard regulations as well as other issues relating to land use.

  • Veteran's Advisory AD HOC Committee
    Veterans Advisory AD HOC Committee was established in 2008 for the purpose of advising the Board of Supervisors on matters involving the support of current Veterans Day event planning efforts, and develop, design and submission of a plan to the Board of Supervisors for a Veterans Memorial. To initiate and support outreach efforts on behalf of Plumstead Township residents whom have served, and are serving or have loved one currently serving abroad. Committee will be under the direction of the Township Manger and all official actions by the committee will require the approval of the Board of Supervisors.

  • Zoning Hearing Board
    The purpose of the Zoning Hearing Board is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the Zoning Ordinance by hearing appeals of the Zoning Officer's decisions and by granting relief from the literal enforcement of the ordinance in certain hardship situations. The Board schedules hearings on applications and appeals, hears evidence, and issues written decisions or findings of fact. Its hearings are public and formal with testimony being taken under oath and all proceedings recorded by a court stenographer.

© Plumstead Township