5186 Stump Road, Pipersville, Pa 18947 | 215-766-8914
Plumstead Township

Zoning Hearing Board

Zoning Zoning Hearing Board
Members (6):

  • Scott A. MacNair, Solicitor
  • David A Bleam, Chair
  • Andy Jarin
  • Lawrence Weintraub
  • Frank Froio (1st Alternate)
  • Julie Anne Majia (2nd Alternate)

The ZHB holds public meetings on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Building. All meetings are open to the public.

Zoning / Code Enforcement Staff
Steve Hicks X210 - Zoning Officer
Keystone Municipal Services, Inc. X207 - Building Inspector/Code Enforcement
Jeff Gouldey X215 (Part Time) - Fire Marshal

A note from the Conservation District:
Homeowners, pool companies, landscape contractors - Bucks County Conservation District is delegated to administer the Erosion Control Program on behalf of PADEP. Our Board of Directors has established a threshhold of 1,000 square feet of earth disturbance. Disturbances of 1,000 square feet or more require a plan submission to the Conservation District; 2,000 square feet for swimming pools.

Should you plan to be disturbing earth on your property, please contact the District at 215-345-7577 EARLY in the process. By doing so, you will not be held up at the local level, when you have all your approvals.

Additional Information
County's Floodplain Viewer (flood map)

© Plumstead Township